
NEW TEXT ALERT: Mustard Cookie
Mustard Cookie: Hi, Grams! ^^ How's it been?
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: It's been going WONDERFULLY honeymustard! Ratigan bought tickets for me and the rest of the profs to go see a musical this week- you CAN come if you want to love, I read the summary and it sounds like lots of fun the EXACT thing you would like <3
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: But I know you and him don't get along that much, so you don't HAVE to
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: Just saying
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: My baby girl <333
Mustard Cookie: Haha thanks for the offer ma! But I think I'll pass sorry :[
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: No it's alright!
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: Speaking of, where have you been hon?
Mustard Cookie: Um
Mustard Cookie: So about that
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: ?
Mustard Cookie: Remember the new punk store at The Megamall I wanted to check out a few days ago
Mustard Cookie: You know the one that had good reviews and apparently wasn't a TOTAL ripoff like Hot Topic was
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: ???
Mustard Cookie: I. Am still in the Megamall. I have not found the store.
Mustard Cookie: I have been in the Megamall this entire time. I have been subsisting on nothing but vending machine sandwiches and junk food. If this mall is Hell I think I'm in it.
Dr. Wasabi Cookie is typing...
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: What.
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: The FUCK.
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: Honey sit your ass tight me and the boys are coming the FUCK over there right now in the SUV
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: You should NOT have had to languish there for HEAVENS knows how long poor thing you must be EXHAUSTED and STARVING for good food we will treat you to a GOURMET MEAL once we get you out of there my sweet baby girl I am COMING FOR YOU
Mustard Cookie: Thanks Ma
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: If I fail in my mission I will be RUINED
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: I will KICK our Holy Lady in the TEETH
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: I am taking this mall and this fraud of my double that runs it into the grave WITH ME
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: I will GET YOU OUT or DIE TRYING
Mustard Cookie: I'd much more appreciate it if you lived actually you are kind of still my mom
Mustard Cookie: Thanks Ma love you do NOT die <3
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: Okay hon love you too <3

Stories Start Somewhere, Right?

After receiving a frenzied text message, Dr. [I'M TOO TIRED TO WRITE THIS BUT THEY RIDE A 2001 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER]

Overworld Navigation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque suscipit congue hendrerit. Cras ac dictum ipsum. Phasellus lacinia vitae lectus in ullamcorper. Suspendisse vel dui sodales, tincidunt nulla eu, placerat nisi. Pellentesque rutrum pulvinar arcu, at egestas mauris sodales eget. Sed ultrices scelerisque libero, nec tempor mi semper eu. Aenean varius efficitur est, a scelerisque dui venenatis in. Cras neque nulla, molestie id mollis et, tristique vel est. Maecenas a purus non massa condimentum pretium ut non enim. Donec orci ligula, rhoncus lacinia tellus a, semper condimentum purus. Nullam sodales blandit tortor, eu vestibulum justo pellentesque sit amet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut posuere tempor ante sit amet efficitur. In sagittis augue quam, et dapibus magna iaculis ut.

Inventory System

Your inventory is separated into 4 tabs: Consumables, Weapons, Equipment and Key Items.

Your party starts with the following items in their inventory:

  • Consumable: Granola Bar (x10)
  • Consumable: Water Bottle (x3)
  • Consumable: Pack of Bandaids (x3)

Equipment System

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque suscipit congue hendrerit. Cras ac dictum ipsum. Phasellus lacinia vitae lectus in ullamcorper. Suspendisse vel dui sodales, tincidunt nulla eu, placerat nisi. Pellentesque rutrum pulvinar arcu, at egestas mauris sodales eget. Sed ultrices scelerisque libero, nec tempor mi semper eu. Aenean varius efficitur est, a scelerisque dui venenatis in. Cras neque nulla, molestie id mollis et, tristique vel est. Maecenas a purus non massa condimentum pretium ut non enim. Donec orci ligula, rhoncus lacinia tellus a, semper condimentum purus. Nullam sodales blandit tortor, eu vestibulum justo pellentesque sit amet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut posuere tempor ante sit amet efficitur. In sagittis augue quam, et dapibus magna iaculis ut.

Your party starts with the following items already equipped:

Dr. Wasabi:

  • Weapon: Wasabi Syrup syringe
  • Head Slot: None
  • Neck Slot: Pendant of Our Holy Lady of The Vortex
  • Wrist Slot: None

Dr. Hare:

  • Weapon: Carrot-Fueled Ray Gun
  • Head Slot: None
  • Neck Slot: None
  • Wrist Slot: Med-Alert Bracelet

Professor Ratigan:

  • Weapon: None (bare fists)
  • Head Slot: None
  • Neck Slot: None
  • Wrist Slot: None

Professor Birch:

  • Weapon: None (bare fists)
  • Head Slot: None
  • Neck Slot: None
  • Wrist Slot: None

© Dirk Lancer 2009

Panic! At The Parkade (Battle Tutorial)

Note: The battle tutorial can be skipped if you pay $1.00 for a chauffeur to transport you safely and directly to the Megamall entrance.

While walking to the entrance of the Megamall,

Basic Moves

Special Moves
